

Emotional Eating Is Harmful || Nasren Nipa

Emotional Eating is harmful

Emotional Eating Is Harmful

Stress Eating / Emotional Eater !! Who is like me ??!!

You will often find that when we are upset or anxious for some reason or alone , we like to eat certain foods. Even when there is no hunger, there is a feeling of eating a lot at that time.

These special foods are mostly sweet / junk food / unhealthy.
They do not satisfy the hunger of your stomach but the hunger of the mind.

Emotional eating does not reduce your emotional problems / stress,
you feel very good while eating but later feel guilty for overeating.

Who is the emotional eater:

- Those who like to eat if they are stressed.
- Those who eat even when they are not hungry, even when their stomachs are full but they make excuses for eating.
- Eats to cut down their upset, anxiety or loneliness.
- Eat to treat themselves.
- Can't control themselves when they see food in front of them.

What happens to Emotional Eater:

Eating their favorite foods to treat themselves is not a bad thing, but the problem arises when the food is not limited to satisfying their hunger. It only divert their emotions for certain period by eating extra unhealthy food. Consuming extra calories results in weight gain and loss of willpower. Gradually, they lose control of their diet and gain weight, leading to a variety of health problems,including obesity.

How Weight and Health Relate to Stress:

Stress affects our physical and mental health.Our bodies respond to stress in a variety of ways, including weight gain, a process that is not immediately apparent but gradually manifests itself.Our body makes extra cortisol hormones in response to stress.

Cortisol is a stress hormone that is secreted from the body's adrenal glands. The cortisol hormone is again a stimulant of the appetite hormone (Ghrelin). So when someone is stressed, along with the release of excess cortisol hormone, it also increases the feeling of hunger. And to balance this hunger, the body finds comfort food instead of healthy food.

Comfort foods are often sugary, sweet, junk food. Sweet, refined carbs, junk food are quickly digested by the body and start giving energy to the body but the body cannot burn it immediately. Again, these foods are stimulants of ghrelin hormones. So your appetite continues to grow.

High levels of cortisol hormone not only affect your appetite but also your metabolism and insulin levels.

Insulin works to control the amount of sugar in your blood. But when people start consuming excess sugar or carbohydrates, insulin levels also start to rise.

When blood sugar levels rise excessively,insulin can no longer control it and your body converts sugar into fat through metabolic reactions for later use.

As this emotional eating cycle continues, the amount of fat increases with weight.

If stress is not controlled, it can later lead to many more problems including depression, high blood pressure, risk of heart disease.

Physical hunger is gradually felt, if you feel hungry, be patient until a healthy meal is made and eat it in moderation to fill your stomach and satisfy your hunger.

Emotional hunger is suddenly felt, you feel very hungry, you have to eat something, there is craving for junk food / sweet food, you will not notice if your stomach is full but you will want to eat more until you get emotional satisfaction, hunger of the mind up to the throat,Which is called "ah! I ate by dipping my wrists, I have to eat the food that is craving, I can't satisfy that hunger with any other food."

For example, if you want to eat ice cream, no matter how much you eat, this hunger will not be satisfied until you eat ice cream, after eating you will feel bad for eating too much, you will feel guilty, you will regret.

What to do to get rid of this problem:

a) First, find out which tasks you are stressed from, make a list of them and slowly try to remove one task from that list.

b) Secondly, Make a food diary, keep notes of what you eat at any time of the day.

c)Third, Make a list of what you are eating at the craving, and remove those foods or stop bringing them from home.

d) Fourth, You can put motivational quotations / stickers on the dining table / fridge.

e) Fifth, Notice at what time of the day the craving is more, set an activity at that time.It can be dancing to your favorite song,light walk,reading a book with coffee,etc.

When you feel that you have reduced a lot of stress eating,try to master a healthy diet and lifestyle.

Planning of a healthy Diet and Lifestyle:

1. Diet: Ensure a healthy balanced diet that contains adequate amounts of all nutrients. Adequate amounts of vegetables, protein helps to reduce appetite and keep the stomach full. Necessary vitamins and minerals improve your brain health and nervous system which reduces fatigue,exhaustion, depression.

2. Water: Drink enough water. Water makes the stomach feel full.
Water Helps in various functions of the body as well as maintains good mental health, Water helps to reduce negative mood, stress, depression.

3. Exercise: Exercise is not just to lose weight but to stay healthy, practice regular exercise.

4. Sleep: Make sure you get 7-8 hours of sleep daily. And it seems to happen at night. If you don't sleep at night, the circadian rhythm is disturbed and at that time ghrelin hormone is secreted which leads to hunger and craving for sweet / junk food as it gives instant energy.

5. Relaxation: Give yourself at least 30 minutes of time every day.
Take time off from all kinds of work / responsibilities to do the work of your choice or take a break.

6. Deep Breathing: Deep breathing helps to reduce stress, practice deep breathing for 5-10 minutes every day.

7. Passing good times with friends and family: Talk to friends or family, spend time, go for walks.Talk openly with people close to you about your problem.

8. Avoid Negativity: Don’t talk about everything or look for negativity.Stay away from even those who discourage your good deeds.
                 This way you can gradually free yourself from stress eating. Stay well, stay healthy.

#emotinaleating, #stresseater, #passionatestruggle, #nasrennipa

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