

Dengue Fever, You have to Know if you want to live || Nasre Nipa

Dengue fever,you have to know if you want to live

Dengue fever,you have to know if you want to live

           Dengue is a viral fever that is spread by the Aedes mosquito.Bites of an Infected Aedes mosquito cause dengue fever in healthy people.

Rainfall, waterlogging and excessive humidity in the air are conducive to the reproduction of this mosquito.Therefore,the incidence of this disease may increase during the rainy season.

These mosquitoes usually bite before dawn and dusk.

A person can be infected by dengue four times in a lifetime with four species of dengue virus.If someone is infected by dengue for the third or fourth time, the chances of its complication are high.

Symptoms of dengue:

-Fever (usually 102 degrees or above).Fever usually lasts 2-5 days. .
-pain in the eye sockets
-muscle and vein pain
-red rashes or rashes on various parts of the body.
-These are Symptoms of classical dengue fever.
-2-3 days after the fever is cured is called critical period.Because at this time the patient may have 
internal bleeding (bleeding gums, nosebleeds, blood stains under the skin, vomiting or blood in the stool,
or excessive bleeding during menstruation in girls)
-severe abdominal pain
-shortness of breath
-dengue shock syndrome and hemorrhagic dengue fever can be fatal.

Complications in dengue fever :

-Blood with gums,stool,urine,excess blood with menstruation in girls,blood droplets under the skin.
-shortness of breath begins
-Excessive vomiting
-Yellow eyes.
-Blood pressure decreases excessively or starts to decrease.
-Platelet count in the blood CBC test starts to decrease than before.


-Full rest
-Eat plenty of water, fluids (saline, coconut water, fresh fruit juice) and normal foods.
-If you have a fever, you should take a maximum of four paracetamol tablets a day.
-Never take aspirin or any other painkiller tablets.
-If the fever is good, platelet count and hematocrit should be shown to the doctor for three days.
-If any complication develpo,take immediate admission to hospital.

Measures taken to prevent Dengue:

-Dengue fever can be prevented by preventing the growth of Aedes mosquitoes.
-Dengue mosquito need water to hatch their eggs,So the house and its surroundings must be kept clean.
-The mosquitoes breed in Collecting flower tubs, plastic containers, discarded car tyres, plastic drums, earthenware,buckets,
tin cans, coconut shells / coconut garlands, containers, pots, battery shells, discarded plastic items,
home water, anywhere in and around your home,stagnant water in tanks, flower tubs and vases.
-Remove the water that has accumulated in it every three days.
-Unused water containers should be destroyed or covered so that water does not store.
-To remove the mosquito eggs attached to the used pot, clean the pot by rubbing it.
-Be sure to use a mosquito net when sleeping during the day or at night.
-Need to use mosquito repellent spray.

        Don't panic, consult a doctor for dengue fever, stay healthy.

#dengue,#denguefever, #nasrennipa

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